epipremnum pinnatum, epipremnum pinnatum plants, epipremnum pinnatum variegated, epipremnum pinnatum albo variegated, epipremnum pinnatum aurea variegated

Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated For Home Decoration

Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated as Decorative Plant

            Decorative plants have many features. The features can be seen from its leaf tip to its rhizome. It has their own uniqueness and characteristics. Therefore, this plant becomes one that make us distinguish it from one another.

            The beauty and features of decorative plants may be located at its leaves color, leaves shape, leaves veins pattern, stem, or its rhizome.

            One thing that makes decorative plants get more attention from plant parents is its variety of leaf characteristics. Almost every type of decorative plants has various leaf shapes. Thus, some types of decorative plants have a shape that becomes their distinctive identity. In addition, the shape is even used as plant shop logos.

            Every person has preference about different leaf characters. There are those who like the character of leaves that are large, oval, hollow, torn, round, or small. There are even plants that have different leaf characteristics when it is still young compared to when it has grown up.

            Of the many varieties of leaf characteristics that exist, until now the most interested ones are those with holes and torn characters. These two characters are very different from other leaf characters. With the characteristics possessed, it creates an identity that makes people easy to remember. In addition, that characteristic raises a new interest of people about decorative plants.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Aurea Variegated

            One plant that has a very distinctive characteristic is Epipremnum Pinnatum. This plant has a unique leaf character. Hence, it becomes its identity. With that identity, this plant is easily recognized by many plant parents.

            Epipremnum Pinnatum is a plant belongs to the Araceae family. This plant can grow to a very large size. In addition, this plant has a natural habitat in tropical forest.

            This plant becomes more attractive with variegation types. One of the endless trends is Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated. This plant gets more and more popularity. Besides having its own leaf identity, it is also supported by variegation.

            This plant has 2 varieties of variegated colors. The two colors of variegated colors in this plant are yellow and white. Both colors are popular, so they are both being looked for in the market

            The following will explain the characters of the leaves and the growth system of this plant. That way, you will better recognize the character of the leaves and how it grows.

  • Physical characteristics

            As previously explained, this plant leaf has unique characteristics. It has the character of being torn when it is mature/ reaches its maturity. The torn leaves on the sides appear symmetrical on both right and left sides. Also, the more mature the leaf is, the wider and more numerous the tears are.

            This is different from when the leaf or the plant is still young. The characteristic of the leaf is Elliptic (based on the morphology classification of leaf shapes). Therefore, it looks oval and plain. The leaf veins are also not really visible during this young age.

            That way as the plant ages, it will experience changes in the character of the leaves. At the next stage there is a tear on the right or left side of the leaf. Then the torn leaves increase until it is matured.

            The texture of the leaf is quite smooth. In addition, whether it’s from up close or afar, it looks shiny. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the leaves when they are dirty to keep them looking attractive.

  • Growth System

            Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated grows climbing up. It needs a pole to grow/ climb on. This plant can either climb straight or directly to larger trees.

            The more it grows up, the stem of this plant also grows bigger. Therefore, the plant shoots are getting bigger.

            They also possess segments in a fairly long distance. Each segment has roots that can find their own food. In addition, the segment has growth points that are able to grow new plant.

Types of Epipremnum Pinnatum and Variegation

            Indonesia is a country belonging to the tropical region. They are rich in very diverse aspects. From rich in nature resources to rich in animals and plants. This is a grace for a country that belongs to a region with a tropical climate area.

            One of plants with natural habitat in Indonesia is Epipremnum Pinnatum. This plant is widespread in the territory of Indonesia. With each region having a different temperature and morphology of the place, this plant also undergoes many mutations and until now many species have been found in each region.

            Epipremnum Pinnatum plant has many types. Despite having many types, they have one similar identity. The identity is the torn leaves (holes) on the side & surface. Here are different types of Epipremnum Pinnatum:

Epipremnum Pinnatum Green

  • Has a symmetrical torn on the right and left sides of the leaf
  • Has dark green leaf color
  • Has oval shaped leaves

Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue

  • Has a slightly light green leaf color combined with light gray
  • Has quite small and slender leaves.
  • Has a leaf tear that is quite rare and not symmetrical

Epipremnum Pinnatum Skeleton Key

  • Has leaves shaped like stingray
  • Has a long leaf tail
  • Has a basic leaf color which is dark green

            In addition to the types of epipremnum, it turns out that there are also variegation variants. The following are the types of variegation in epipremnum plants.

  1. Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo Variegated
  2. Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated
  3. Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated Mint

            In Indonesia there is one type of variegation of this plant with its distinctive feature. It has yellow and white variegated colors, but there are other features of this plant. It is even sharper in color and has a marble pattern.

            Actually, there are two types that are still popular today. The two types are epipremnum pinnatum yellow and albo variegated which are a native species from the island of Bali named Epipremnum Pinnatum Hanoman. The other one is from West Java region, which is named Epipremnum Pinnatum Kujang.

            Both species are different compared to epipremnum pinnatum yellow variegation in general. The following is a brief description of the plants:

Epipremnum Pinnatum Hanoman

  • The sliced leaves on the right and left sides are wider and asymmetrical
  • Slim and long
  • Has white marble variegated pattern
  • Native species of Bali Island

Epipremnum Pinnatum Kujang

  • Slim and long
  • Wider and sliced leaves
  • Has yellow marble variegated pattern
  • Native species of West Java

How to Care Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated

           They are not the type of a plant that easily dies. They are quick to adapt to their new environment. However, they must be cared in such a way to maintain its performance and beauty.

            In order for this plant to remain as your prima donna, you need to take care from watering to providing nutrition. For more details, in the following I will explain how to care for them.

  • Watering

            The most basic thing in taking care of plants is the watering. Not a few people who underestimate about watering plants. Most people think "the important thing is that the plants are watered", in fact this mindset is not wrong but not quite right. The truth is that we have to know the intensity of watering.

            All plants cannot be equalized in terms of water supply. There are plants that do not really like water, there are also those who like water so we have to water them often.

            Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated plant falls to to the category that quite like water. This plant can be watered almost every day.

            This is related to the plant leaves which are wide and quite thick. Thus, during photosynthesis they need more mineral material. Therefore, a lot of water is needed. The watering intensity of this plant has to be adjusted with the season running.

            You have to know that the mineral needs of plants during certain season is quite different. This is affected by several things. That way, to be safer for Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated, you can do watering according to the above watering intensity.

            Different from subtropical area, in the tropical area which experiences only two seasons, the watering intensity can be done more practically. This is affected by weather and temperature factors.

            Plants in the tropics should be watered more often than in the sub-tropics. This is because in the tropics, they have more sunlight and are hotter in temperatures. Thus, the need for the continuity of photosynthesis will be even more.

            Based on that, the following is the watering intensity that can be applied for tropical area:

  • Dry season: Watering is done once every 1-2 days
  • Rainy season: Watering is done once every 3-4 days

Growing Media for Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated

            Growing media is an element used as the place where the roots are attached, and home of the roots where they look for nutrients for the life of the plant.

            A growing media of Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated should not be some random soil found on backyard. Such as only soil or sand or cocopeat. Those media can indeed be used; however, the performance of the plant cannot be as good as other particular growing media that can fulfill all of their needs.

            To make suitable growing media concoction for this plant, we have to pay attention to the porosity of the water, growing media humidity, and organic nutrients in the growing media.

Here are some information on the use of each material of growing media:


  • Maintain the water porosity
  • Maintain the air circulation in the growing media


  • Maintain the water porosity
  • Maintain the air circulation in the growing media
  • Beautify the growing media


  • Maintain the water porosity
  • Maintain the air circulation in the growing media


  • Good for roots
  • As the binder between growing media
  • Good porosity
  • Rich of nutrition


  • Maintain the humidity of the growing media
  • Bind additional nutrients and minerals

Bamboo Dry Leaves/ Humus

  • As the organic nutrition of the plant
  • Stabilize the micro element in the growing media

            With a wide variety of elements in this Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated growing media, each has its own function. These various elements also complement each other in order to create a good growing media.

            To mix the growing media, we have to pay attention to each percentage. It is intended so that each element can function as much as possible. The following is the percentage mixture of the growing media.

  • Hydroton 25%
  • Perlite 10%
  • Pumice 10%
  • Fern 25%
  • Cocopeat 10%
  • Bamboo Dry Leaves/ Humus 20%

            From this percentage, it can be read that mini growing media can be oriented towards porosity, absorption of additional nutrients as well as minerals and organic nutrients. Thus, this growing media is very suitable to be applied to Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated.

How Big Does Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegated Grow

            Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated is one of plants which can grow very large leaf sizes. The maximum height of this plant in their natural habitat can reach up to 10 meters. The size of this plant is approximately 1 meter long and 50 cm wide.

            This plant can grow very big supported by several factors. The first factor is the use of pot which has to be adjusted with the plant size. Second, the use of plant poles. Third, provision of nutrients and fertilizer. Among the three factors, there are other two factors which have not been explained in detail. The following is an explanation of the factors of changing pot and plant propagation media.

1. Periodic Replacement of Pot

Every growth of Epipremnum Pinnatum Yellow Variegated must be of course balanced by the size of pots used. Apart from the aesthetic value, pot replacement can also in a way affect the size of the plant.

When the roots of the plant are coiled in the pot, the pot should be replaced with a larger size. This is beneficial for the roots to still be able to spread in various directions in the growing media. When the roots are crowded in the growing media and squeezed together, plant growth will slow down. That way the change of pots periodically must be done.

2. Use of Plant Poles

Besides periodically changing the pot, in order for Epipremnum Pinnatum yellow variegated to grow large, plant poles can also be used. Plant poles help plants to grow creeping up.

When the wind roots get their own food supply or is able to search for foods by themselves, it will become active roots. That way the plant can grow consistently.

There are several kinds of plant poles depending on the placement of the plants. If the plants are placed outside, plant poles can be in the form of wall or larger tree. The plants can be placed under the tree or beside the wall. Over times, the plant will climb upwards.

3. Plant Poles for Epipremnum Variegated

Besides that, there is a plant poles for plants in the house. Some of these plant poles are made of sphagnum moss and some are made of coco fiber. Each of these poles have its own advantages and disadvantages.

Sphagnum moss can be used as semi natural artificial propagation. The roots will grip the moss easily and enter the parts of the moss. In order for the moss to look fresh as this plant climbs, watering is also needed. Watering can be done every day up to once in two days.

The advantage of using sphagnum moss for pole is that the nutrient can be stored for a longer time and the water mineral can also be stored in it. So, the roots will more easily seep in it.

The disadvantage of using sphagnum moss as stake is, we have to spray water to it in order to look fresh. If you rarely water/spray on moss, then the moss will dry up and look bad. That way when the stake made of sphagnum moss dries, its aesthetic value decreases.

Besides moss, sometimes artificial pole can also be made from coconut fiber (coco fiber). For this coconut fiber, the roots are quite difficult to pierce the inside. This is because coco fiber has a fairly dense density level. However, the roots can still grip firmly on the outside.

The advantage of using coco fiber is it looks neater when used. The level of durability of this is longer, so for the needs of plant photography it is quite good.

The disadvantage of using coco fiber as stake is the roots will be difficult to pierce the inside. In addition, the nutrient and mineral are not easy to be absorbed. That way, the roots will only be crowded on the outside. At the time the plants are stuck on the stake, it is quite difficult to separate the roots that have entered the coco fiber. That way you have to disassemble the stake to keep the roots safe.

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